Saturday 27 October 2018

Building a Spring MVC Project using Maven and IntelliJ IDE 2018

(Although most of the content located on this blog is for the Adobe Experience Manager community, from time to time, I post content for the general Java community. This post is about how to set up a Spring MVC project using Maven and IntelliJ 2018)

This development article guides you through how to create a Spring MVC project by using Maven and IntelliJ IDE 2018. This article includes how to configure the Spring DispatcherServlet.

This article builds a base Spring MVC project by using a standard web application Maven Archetype. Then it includes Spring MVC dependencies into the POM file and configures Spring related XML files, such as WEB-INF/dispatcher-servlet.xml file.

Finally, the Spring MVC project is deployed to Tomcat. If you do not have TOMCAT installed, see (This article uses Tomcat 8).
The following illustration shows the Spring MVC built in this article.

To learn how to create a Spring MVC project by using Maven and IntelliJ IDE 2018, download this PDF.