Tuesday 15 March 2016

Using Jackrabbit UserManager APIs to retrieve group permissions

You can develop an Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) OSGi bundle that uses the Jackrabbit UserManager APIs to retrive group privileges for a specific node. This API provides access to both AEM users and groups and is located in the org.apache.jackrabbit.api.security.user Java package. For more information, see Interface UserManager.

For example, consider a group named geometrixx-facebook that has these permissions to a node located here:


The following illustration shows the privileges for the geometrixx-facebook group.

Using an OSGi bundle that contains the Jackrabbit UserManager API, you can dynamically retrieve group privileges. In this development article, group privileges for a page are written to the AEM log file.

**** Here are the permissions: group: geometrixx-facebook privilege: jcr:read

**** Here are the permissions: group: geometrixx-facebook privilege: jcr:modifyAccessControl

**** Here are the permissions: group: geometrixx-facebook privilege: crx:replicate

**** Here are the permissions: group: geometrixx-facebook privilege: jcr:versionManagement

**** Here are the permissions: group: geometrixx-facebook privilege: jcr:lockManagement

**** Here are the permissions: group: geometrixx-facebook privilege: rep:write

**** Here are the permissions: group: geometrixx-facebook privilege: jcr:readAccessControl

Click:  https://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/using/developing-aem-osgi-bundles-jackrabbit_group.html.

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I (Scott Macdonald) am a Senior Digital Marketing Community Manager at Adobe Systems with 20 years in the high tech industry. I am also a programmer with knowledge in Java, JavaScript, C#,C++, HTML, XML and ActionScript. If  you would like to see more CQ or other Adobe Digital Marketing end to end articles like this, then leave a comment and let me know what content you would like to see.

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